COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Communication

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

"The Six-Word Profile"

A Speech of Self Introduction - (1 1/2 - 2 minutes)

:  ** To Introduce yourself to others in the class in a creative manner.
  **  To learn more about others in the class
  **  To become more comfortable speaking to your classmates

For this assignment, you will need to create a "profile" of yourself that is exactly six words long, no more and no less. You might think of this as a six word autobiography or a six word memoir that captures an experience or self-discovery that is important to you.  [ In the past, weekend editions of ABC's Good Morning America  showed viewer-submitted videos of these. ]  The six words you select should characterize an experience that has happened to you that is interesting or important, or something that you have learned or value that tells us a little about who you are, or something about your plans or hopes for the future, etc.

Some examples:

  • I am Casper.  Not the ghost.  

  • Florida's sun will burn your skin.

  • Got a job. Now I'm set.

  • Hard work pays.  We're the Champs.

  • Don't give up. I got well.

Method:  Once you have constructed a six-word profile, you should then be prepared to present that profile to a group in the class in the form of a short (One-and-a-half to two minute) presentation in which you introduce yourself.

  • Before you start your short speech on the assigned day, write your Name and the Six-Word Profile on the board (if a board is available)

  • Begin the speech by telling us the six words of your profile; then give us your name (slowly and clearly enough we will "get it.") and where you are from.

  • Take the remaining time, a minute and a half or so, to explain the six words so that we will all understand what they are about and why they represent something significant to you.

  • Practice your profile presentation several times (at least 5) so that you know you will be confident and not way too short (under a minute) or way too long (over two and a half minutes).

  • Do not, under any circumstances, write out what you intend to say word-for-word and attempt to read it to us. Just tell us about yourself in a conversational way.

  • Be prepared to present your Six-Word Profile to your assigned group on Monday, 8/29.

  • You may use ONE note card (4" X 6" or 5" X 8") during the speech if you wish.

  • Have some fun with this Project!  If you find you are getting stuck for a profile idea, talk with friends or chat with your instructor.


Evaluation:  Grades will be based solely on whether you meet the six word requirement, stay within the time limit and avoid reading to us.  This grade will factor into the "Introduction and Community Speeches" portion of your grade - a very small part of your overall course grade.


Due:  In small groups on Monday, August 29 (in class)