COMM 101 - Fundamentals of Communication

Dr. Lee McGaan  

  Office:  WH 308  (ph. 309-457-2155);  email
  Home:  418 North Sunny Lane (ph. 309-734-5431, cell 309-333-5447)

Fall 2016 Office Hours:   MWF:  9:30 - 10am, 11am - Noon & 1 -2pm TTh:  2-3pm & by apt.  |  copyright (c) by Lee McGaan, 2006-2016

Description Syllabus Class Notes Assignments +

Using ""

You are required to submit each of your COMM 101 outlines to

You will not receive a grade for the assignment unless you submit your outline to on THE DAY BEFORE YOUR SPEECH OR THE DAY OF YOUR SPEECH.


The steps involved in submitting your outline are simple:

  1. Click on the link above to go to the web site or type the address into your browser address (URL) box.
  2. If you already have a account, just log in.  If you don't, click on  the "create an account" button at the top right to create a new user profile. Just follow directions. You can also review user information and tutorials by using the menu under "Training" if you wish -- although the system is pretty simple to use.  If you have previously created an account, DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT!!  Use the one your created previously.  If you don't know the password, follow directions for retrieving your password.
  3. After creating your profile, login as a student user and click on the tab "join a new class"
  4. Follow the joining directions.  Our COMM 101-3 class ID # is  13716605.  Our password is  fairness
  5. Once you have joined the class, you will see our class listed by name and ID number shown on the page called "Your Classes."  Click on the class listing and then click on the tab "turn it in!"  Be sure to give your outline a title in the box for "paper title" (for instance, "Status Quo Speech Outline") and be sure to select the correct assignment from the list provided in the box below the "paper title" box. 
  6. Follow directions for submitting your paper by either "browsing" your hard drive or "F:" drive for the Word file containing your outline  OR  you can copy and paste the outline into the box provided.  Click on submit and you're done. (If you have submitted your outline successfully, you should receive a "receipt" electronically through your email account.)
  If you have questions try using the help button at the top of most pages.


 Advantages of using

1. is easy to load papers and files to, easy to establish accounts on, and re-set passwords.

2. site instructions are easy to follow and self-explanatory.

3. warns you if you have done something that could be seen as dishonest or plagiarism.

4. maintains a copy of your papers if the MC or your own system crashes during the term.

5. is convenient since it can be accessed from anywhere you can get on the web.

6. gives you an email confirming submission that can help prove you have turned something in for a course.

 Potential problems with

1. The site has crashed sometimes, like at the busiest time of the term.

2. You might forget to submit your work to

3. You have to use a limited number of document formats when uploading your papers or files Word documents or rtf work best.

4. It’s easy to forget your password if you haven’t used Turnitin in a while.  But you can find it again as described on the site.

5. passwords have to include a number, so if you don’t normally include a number, it may be hard to remember your password.

last updated 10/5/2016