Student ________________       Course _________________       Date(s) _________

Monmouth College Discussion / Participation – Rating / Feedback Form


1. The student becomes involved in class discussion/activities.   ( 0 - 5 pts. )


            The student rarely answers questions well, even when directly asked.   ( 1 pt )

            The student answers questions only when directly asked.   ( 2 pts )

            The student volunteers answers and ideas occasionally.   ( 3 pts )

            The student volunteers answers and ideas frequently.   ( 4 pts )

            The student volunteers answers and ideas frequently in a way that encourages others.   ( 5 pts )




2. The student builds on knowledge.   ( 1 - 10 pts. )                                                                          ______


     Contributing Behaviors:       Knows basic material required for participation.

            ( 2 pts. each )                 Is able to apply concepts to new or concrete settings

                                                 Can analyze concepts and issues (into parts)

                                                 Can synthesize concepts for new understanding.

                                                 Can evaluate ideas articulating the basis of evaluation.




3. The student relates to others in the discussion well.   ( 1 - 10 pts. )                                              ______


     Contributing     Accurately understanding others ideas            Damaging        Abruptly changing focus

      Behaviors:       Responding to others ideas                            Behaviors:       Engaging in personal criticism    

        ( 2 pts. each ) Building on others ideas                        ( minus 2 pts. each )   Not accepting fair criticism well

                             Questioning and clarifying ideas                                              Distracting others non-verbally

                             Seeking involvement of others                                                 Withdrawing from discussion





4. The student models appropriate intellectual actions and attitudes.    ( 1 - 10 pts. )                      ______


     Contributing Behaviors:    Gives support for assertions

            ( 2 pts. each )              Requests reasons and support from others

                                              Is willing to offer fair criticism of ideas

                                              Is NOT routinely deferential to authority figures

                                              Invents new  approaches to the topic - creativity

                                              Demonstrates abilities to treat discussion as problem-solving





      Possible Grading Scale:                                                                                      Total Score ______

            40-60% = C

                60-80% = B

                80 +%   = A

                                                                                                                                              GRADE ______