Lee McGaan's Links To Information Resources - General Reference

If any links in this file fail to work or if sites have moved, please notify: Lee@mon.edu
Last updated 9/12/2001

Hewes Library Selected Internet Resources - Monmouth College's links to academic sites by subject area.

Other Scholarly Internet Sites

Specialized Sites

 Academy for Educational Development A location for resources on a variety of educational projects on social issues including: adult literacy, disabilities, HIV, youth development, educational reforms, etc. Excellent links to other resources on similar topics (e.g. health, environmental education. International development, NGOs)

Advertising Law Information : An excellent location for a wide variety of information about legal issues effecting advertising and marketing including copyright, trademarks, libel, first amendment issues, unfair trade practices.

American Medical Association AMA position papers, patient information on illnesses and the Physician Select Service

American Civil Liberties Union excellent information and links to other sources on civil liberties issues, including: death penalty, gay rights, minority civil rights, freedom of speech, freedom of religion/separation of church and state.

American Psychological Association Information on the APA plus brochures on psychological issues of concern to the public (sexual abuse, mind&body, APA's public policy positions on mental health, etc.and a link to PsychCrawler - an excellent search engine for psychological information on the net

Amistad Research Center Excellent source for information on African-American Culture and History

Annenberg Public Policy Center (U. of Pennsylvania): Research and policy papers on issues related to communication, mass media, public policy (e.g. political campaigns); plus links to the Annenberg School of Communication

Atlantic Magazine: This publication deals with significant public issues in substantial depth. Good overview material. Search back issues of Atlantic for articles and sources of information.

B.J. Pinchbeck's Homework Helper : This site has more links to more sources on more things than you can believe. I use it for my homework. CHECK IT OUT.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

C/NET An excellent starting place for information on computers, cyberspace, games and software

Corporation for Public Broadcasting EdWeb Information on educational uses of the internet, WWW, hypertext, multimedia, etc.

Court TV Homepage Includes information on current and recent cases as well as references on legal issues and other services. A good starting point for general research on legal issues.

Cyberspace Cancer Clinic The best source I know of for information on all types of cancer, treatment options and locations, etc. Also access to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute and other publications

Democratic National Committee Information about the party. Links to Democrats in office, material on Democratic views on policy issues.

Drug Policy Foundation A site which contains news, information, and discussion on reforming drug laws and policies. The DPF generally opposes highly punitive approaches to illegal drugs, preferring "harm reduction" strategies.

National Drug Reform Coordinating Network Lots of easy to access information but clearly opinionated. This group strongly opposes the war on drugs.

Electronic Frontier Foundation Excellent information on freedom and privacy in cyberspace

Electronic Newstand (Enews) Describes itself as "the ultimate magazine source." Leads you to magazines on virtually any topic.

Environmental Communication Resource Center

Environmental News (and Legislative Action)

ERIC Clearinghouse on Higher Education

ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading, English, and Communication

ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies

National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: Links to other useful resources for Gay and Lesbians and for those doing research on related topics.


University of Illinois Homepage

University of Iowa Library Online Resources

Language and Social Interaction Resources (SSCA LSI Division)

Libertarian Party A link to the homepage of America's third largest political party. Background on the party. Overviews of the Libertarian philosophy and positions on issues.

Looksmart: Electronic Service of Reader's Digest

Medicine Online

Mehrabian, Albert's Homepage Good psychological information

National Collegiate Athletic Association Lists NCAA publications on a variety of topics. You can order these but not view them online.

National Fraud Information Center Information on current Internet fraud schemes

National Petroleum Council

National Press Club Makes available information for journalists covering national issues and carries transcripts of recent speeches by public figures given at NPC functions.

National Rifle Association A good place to find information and links with the anti-gun control point of view.

News Resources (U. S.)

New York Public Library

NORML Marijuana Laws Reform Organization. Contains a wide variety of information about uses of "hemp" and alternatives to current drug laws.

North Carolina State University Library(This is not a WEB site; it is Telnet access to the research triangle libraries which allows some very interesting searches of documents. Usable only on browsers with telnet applications -- not MC's system currently)

Ohio State School of Business MBA

Purdue University Library Reference Desk

Reason Magazine A publication with a libertarian point of view. You can search this site for articles on a wide range of topics of public interest. Essays are usually lofaded with facts and figures used to make arguments.

Republican National Committee Information about the party, its positions on issues, campaign information and links to major Republicans

Science in the News

Simon Wiesenthal Center

Social Sciences Data Collection (UCSD)

Tarlton Law Library University of Texas, Austin. One of the most accessible and user friendly law library resources on the net.

U. of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service "Greatest Consumer Frauds"

United Nations Links to information on the organization, its agencies and its programs.

Usenet News Archives

US West "Yellowpages" An electronic version of your telephone book "yellowpages"

Virtual Newspaper Links to newspapers all over the world. Plus easy connections to the kinds of information and opinion found in newspapers.

Visual Semiotics Information If you know what the word semiotics means, this is a good place to find information on that discipline

Weather Channel Just what you'd expect.

White & Yellow pages Telephone Number search engine Looking for someone's phone number. Try here.

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