COMM 335 - McGaan

Practice Exercises 2

Label or create the grounds, claim and warrant for each of the following arguments. You may have to infer some parts of the argument. (Make your choice of warrant as general as you can for the example given.) Identify each argument as concerning fact, value or policy.  [ NOTE:  Three of the arguments below contain both claim and grounds in the sentence shown. The other three contain only one element of the argument: cl. gr. or w.]

1. The opposition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other senior military officials showed that the plan to permit gays to serve openly in the armed forces was a bad idea.



2. Since President Bush made a clear promise during the campaign to establish a prescription drug plan for medicare, it is only right he be held to that promise that now he's in office.



3. Dick Chenney is too old to be Vice President.



4. Jack Nicholson will probably win the Oscar for Best Actor since he won best Actor at the Golden Globe awards.



5. George Bush is tough on terrorism.



6. Democrats should vote against Bush's nominee for Chief Justice of the United States.



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Last updated 9/8/2005