"Buried Alive" - Toulmin Diagram

last updated 10/6/2008


cl.m      We must implement a "national plan of action" and "voluntary recycling."   POLICY


grm1  / cl1        The status quo has significant, inherent problems - "Too much waste and nowhere to put it."

gr1a      Signif. (Problem?) 1 - [ stats on quantity of garbage - para. 3 ]

            w1a      [ By definition, these numbers are significant. ]


   gr1b   Inherency 1 - "We are running out of room;" [ stats ]  therefore, the problem won't solve itself. [Para 4]

w1b   [ definition of inherency ]


gr1c    Signif. Problem 2 - we're "perpetrating an injustice" on the third world.

w1c      [ Langone quotation shows inherent link to SQ. ]



grm2 /  cl2        We have a two part plan - taxes [ para 6 ] and 4 steps to voluntary recycling  [ para 7 ] which will work.

   gr2a   The tax works in Seattle       w2a - [ example ] 

   gr2b   [ Examples in para 7 ]           w2b - [ example warrant ]



grm3 / cl3          This plan will produce benefits.  (solvency)

   gr3a   Japanese recycling works and produces cost savings (benefits)

W3a    analogy - Japan and U.S. are similar in all important ways          

b3a   [ none are listed but here is what it would have to be.  Facts showing Japan and U.S. are similar in all important ways ]


w.m / 1-3          = [ the requirements of a policy case.]


q.                     [ "certainly" is implied ]


r.                      [ none indicated ]


bm                    [ none listed but here is what it would be.  "Debate texts and McGaan's lectures support these requirements." ]