Study Guide for Final Exam

May 4, 2004


Know the following items:

From the films we watched, know which were directed by Alfred Hithcock, Stanley Kubrick, Orson Wells, and Spike Jonz.

Know the characters from the following plays:

Oedipus Rex, Trifles, A Doll's House, Hamlet

Know who the following people are:

Stephen Sondheim, Sam Shepherd, John Malkovich, Topol, Gary Sinese, Bernadette Peters, Richard Burton, Hume Cronin, Peter Sellers, Joseph Cotton, Agnes Moorehead, Ben Vereen, Irving Berlin, Richard Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstein, George Gershwin, Cole Porter

Know the following theatrical terms:

Periaktoi, Ekkyklema, Deus Ex Machina, Theatron, Skene, Orchestra, Cavea, Scaenae Frons, Pageant Wagon, Secrets, Forced Perspective Scenery, Raked Stage, Inner Below and Above, Wings and Borders, Counterweight System,  Thrust Theatre, Arena Theatre, Proscenium Theatre, Prompt Book, Blocking, Producer, Stage Manager, Master Electrician, Descriptive Criticism, Prescriptive Criticism, Reviewer, Critic, Flashbacks, Willing Suspension of Disbelief, Off Broadway Theatre, Naturalism, Realism, "Spine" of Play, Climactic Structure, Episodic Structure, Burlesque, Tragicomedy, Theatre of the Absurd, Libretto, Objectives of Costume Design

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