CATA 171

Intro to Theatre and Cinema

Film, Chapter 3

Film Analysis: Narrative Film



I.    Definition

        A.    Account of String of Events Occurring in Space and Time

        B.    Not random events, but an ordered set connected by logic of cause and effect

                1.    In Matrix Neo learns Matrix controls human life (cause)

                2.    Decides to join Morpehus and Trinity in quest to defeat it (effect)

        C.    Narratives piece events together in Linear Fashion that clearly shows the audience the Reason for and Consequences of Character Behavior

        D.    Generally focuses on human characters and struggles

                1.    What about animated films like Finding Nemo and Chicken Little?

                        a.    Characters posses traits, face conflicts, perform actions, and undergo changes that enable or hinder pursuit of a specific goal

        E.    Framing the fictional World

                1.    Diegetic Elements

                        a. Implied World of Story (Diegesis)

                            I.    Settings

                            II.    Characters

                            III.    Sounds

                                    A.    Sound Effects

                                    B.    Character narration (Cher in Clueless)

                                    C.    Music or singing by characters in film

                            IV.    Events

                2.    Non-Diegetic Elements (Extradiegetic)

                        a.    Exist Outside the Diegesis

                                I.    Audience is aware of these

                                II.    Characters are not

                        b.    Examples

                                I.    Objective voiceovers (narrator in It's a Wonderful Life)

                                II.    Titles (opening of Star Wars)

                                III.    Music (to enhance drama or romance)

                        c.    Exception

                                I.    I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988)  Keenen Ivory Wayans

                                        Theme song live music played by band which follows him

                                II.    Commercial woman buying car

                3.    Selecting and Organizing Events

                        a.    Typical 90-180 minutes running time

                        b.    Rarely use actual time

                        c.    Russian Literary Critics Developed two terms to describe relationship between story and what is told

                                I.    Fabula

                                        A.    Chronological Story

                                                1.    Events which take place during span of time of events depicted

                                                2.    Includes backstory

                                 II.    Syuzhet (see u zjet)

                                        A.    Plot

                                                1.    Selection and ordering of actions explicitly displayed on screen

                                                2.    Doesn't just include eliminating events...also reordering them

                                                        a.    Flashbacks

                                                        b.    Flashforwards

                                                3.    Important question is does the syuzhet change viewer's perception of a character or action?

II.    Structure

        A.    Standard 3-Act Structure most common

                1.    Act One introduces Characters, Goals and Conflicts; ends with first turning point which shifts to Act II

                2.    Act II: Protagonist meets obstacles, possibly from Antagonist, conflicts increase leading to major turning point

                3.    Act III: Denouement--series of events that resolves the conflicts--not always happily

        B.    4-Part Structure

                1.    Parts are of roughly equal lengths demarcated by turning points linked to character goals

                2.    Main difference between 3-act model and 4-part structure is a critical turning point at the dead center of the film

            a.   Intro leads to initial turning point

            b.    followed by complicating action

            c.    central turning point at halfway mark

            d.    period of development where protagonist struggles toward goals

            e.    struggle leads to climax

            f.    followed by resolution and epilogue


III.    Variations on Narrative Conventions

IV.    Perspective and Meaning

V.    Summary