Play Critique Paper

Due Friday, April 24, 2009

Possible Points: 25

Write a reaction paper to one of the Monmouth College Crimson Masque first semester productions: Night at the Mercury Theatre or Our American Cousin.

You can analyze it thematically, by character development, by scenography, etc.  You can compare the work to other works of the genre or playwright.   Possible details might include but should not be limited to use of space, audience reaction, vocalics and diction, music, director's choices, and use of properties.  The paper must be at least two pages, single side, double spaced.

The paper should be written as a play review for a newspaper such as the New York Times. It should be thoughtful and balanced and employ journalistic style. If you are unclear about journalistic style, read several play reviews from the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.

You will be graded on depth of detail as well as quality of work including grammar, spelling and presentation.

It must be submitted by no later than midnight on Friday, April 24 to be graded.

sample reviews

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