Participation Grade

This grade is the only part of your overall grade which is subjective. I will give you a preliminary grade at midterm and you will have the opportunity to raise it in the second half if you see you are falling behind. This grade is based on promptness, readiness and classroom participation. It is also weighted heavily on regular attendance. My evaluation is based on the following:

Grade   Behaviors

40     Arrives late, begins to pack up early; rarely offers an indication of interest or attention, works on personal activities during class, involves others in disruptive behavior.

50     Works at not being noticed, rarely asks a question or offers a response; rarely asks for clarification or assistance on assignments, isn’t necessarily a disruptive force but isn’t a positive force either.

55       Is generally noticed in a positive way, seems to be paying attention, asks questions, and offers unsolicited comments. Tends to take leadership roles in group projects, tries to help others. Will ask for necessary clarifications on assignments, indicates a willingness to do more than the minimum.

61      Usually (honestly) upbeat, positive, seems genuinely interested in doing the best possible job on all activities. Wants to contribute to the overall good, and does so, often. Asks lots of appropriate questions, can work independently as well as in a group. Wants to know about many things, able to make effective connections.


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