Course Policies

You are responsible for all assigned reading material whether or not it is discussed in class and all lecture material whether or not duplicated by readings. Class attendance is expected, although excusable absences will not count against you. You do have the responsibility of notifying me in advance about all scheduled conflicts. If you are sick enough to miss class, please see a doctor and bring a note from him or her when you return to class. You are STRONGLY encouraged to ask and answer questions in class; much of your midsemester grade will rest on this. At any time you are worried about your standing in the class, please make an appointment with me or see me after class.  I will be happy to help you with strategies to improve your outcome.

Attendance will be taken at 10:00 am sharp and 2:00 pm sharp for laboratories. To get full credit, you will need to be present.  You can receive 1 point for the day if you inform me at the end of the class that you were tardy.  Two absences will be allowed during the semester.  On days when a film or video is shown, I expect you to respect your classmates by arriving on time and not running to the restroom during the showing of the program.  Use of cell phones during class for text messaging or other purposes is prohibited and can result in an absence being recorded for that day.

Laboratory attendance is required.  There are certain cases when they may be excused. Examples are varsity or junior varsity sport conflicts (with excuse from coach) and family emergencies. You must email me no later than the day of the lab and preferably before that to be granted an excused absence. It is in your best interest to clear it with me personally before the absence.  You will be responsible for making up any missed labs on your own time.  An unexcused missed lab will result in the deduction of 20 points.  Walking in a lab after a film has started is rude and generally not acceptable.  You can reduce your deduction to 10 points if you tell me you were tardy at the end of the lab session.

Papers written for this class will be submitted through Students should be warned that the service will retain their writings indefinitely. Please see me if you are uncomfortable having your paper stored in their database.

Quizzes and exams count only the maximum face value (even if extra credit questions are offered).

The final exam will be held at 8 am on Wednesday, May 13.  There will be no alternate exam. If you have a vacation or family function scheduled for that day, please drop the class right away, or plan on losing the 50 points possible.

 Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will result in automatic failure of this course.

This class normally has NO extra credit opportunities (other than the play critique which is on the assignment schedule).  Occasionally a quiz or exam might have one or more extra credit questions.  These can boost your grade but can not result in a grade greater than 100%.

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