THEA 171 Syllabus

October 08











  1 Theatre Chapt. 15 pp. 260-269

Read Hamlet  

2Crimson Masque  Production: The Shape of Things 7:30 pm Wells Theatre 3   FILM: Hamlet   Part I
FILM: Hamlet   Part II  HL Electronic Classroom  2 pm

Crimson Masque  Production: The Shape of Things  7:30 pm Wells Theatre
4Crimson Masque  Production: The Shape of Things 7:30 pm Wells Theatre
5Crimson Masque  Production: The Shape of Things 2:00 pm Wells Theatre 6  Discuss The Shape of Things

Discuss Hamlet
Theatre Chapt. 7

Theatre Chapt. 8
7 8  Quiz 3

Film pp. 245-269


9  10 Midterm Exam  

 no afternoon lab

11  Fall Break       
12  Fall Break    13  Fall Break 14   Fall Break        15 Group 2 Project

Theatre Chapt. 10


16 17 Homecoming
FILM: East of Eden (115 mins.)            Part 1

FILM: East of Eden (115 mins.)  Part 2   HL Electronic
Lib 2 pm

19Homecoming 20   Meet at Hewes Library


21 22  Discuss East of Eden

Theatre  Chapt. 11, Chapt. 12

Discuss East of Eden

Overview The Libertine

23 24  The Libertine  introduction

 FILM: The Libertine  2004 (130 mins.) HL Electronic Classroom  2 pm


26 27 Discuss The Libertine

Film pp. 295-315


28 29 Quiz 4 (chapters 10, 11, 12)Theatre Chapt.  13 30 31 Group 3 Project

FILM: Psycho    1960 (109 mins.)   HL Electronic Lib   2 pm


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