Chemistry Major Advising Sheet and Check List



Chemistry Major Required Courses


The Chemistry Core

Chemistry 140 (General I)                    _________ 

Chemistry 220 (Analytical Course)        _________

Chemistry 225 (Analytical Lab)             _________

Chemistry 228 (Organic I)                    _________

Chemistry 230 (Organic II)                   _________

Chemistry 312 (PChem I)                     _________

Chemistry 322 (PChem II)                    _________
Biochemistry 330 (Biochem)                 _________

Biochemistry 335 (Biochem Lab)          _________

Chem 325 (Integrated Laboratory)       _________     

Chem 340 (Adv. Analytical)                 _________

Chem 350 (Science Seminar)                    _________      _________      _________      _________

Chem 430 (Research)                                   _________      _________     



Chem Elective                                      _________                 

BIOL 150                                            ________ counts as Life Science Gen Ed Requirement


Related Required Courses

Math 151 (Calculus I)                           _________     

Math 152 (Calculus II)                         _________

Physics 130 (Physics I)*                       _________counts for Physical Science General Ed Requirement

Physics 132 (Physics II)                        _________



General Education

INTR 101G     (ILA)                           _________     

INTR 201 G (Compartitive Societies)   _________     

CATA 101 (Communications)              _________     

ENGL 110G    (Comp and Lit)             _________     

Foreign Language                                 _________      _________     

Human Societies                                   _________     

Life Science                                          _________     

Beauty and Meaning

            Appreciation (3 hours)              _________     

            Participations (2 hours)             _________     

ISSI                                                     _________