Here is a case study of someone suffering from Schizphrenia.

Jack is a 27 year old man diagnosed with schizophrenia. He has been referred to Top Quality Rehabilitation (TQP) to provide supported employment services.

Jack graduated from high school and got a job working in a video store. After working for about 6 months Jack began to hear voices that told him he was no good. He also began to believe that his boss was planting small videocameras in the returned tapes to catch him making mistakes. Jack became increasingly agitated at work, particularly during busy times, and began "talking strangely" to customers. For example one customer asked for a tape to be reserved and Jack indicated that that tape may not be available because it had "surveilance photos of him that were being reviewed by the CIA".

After about a year Jack quit his job one night, yelling at his boss that he couldn't take the constant abuse of being watched by all the TV screens in the store and even in his own home.

Jack lived with his parents at that time. He became increasingly confused and agitated. His parent took him to the hospital where he was admitted. He was given Thorazine by his psychiatrist, this is a very powerful psychotropic medication. However, he had painful twisting and contractions of his muscles. He was switched to Haldol and had fewer side effects. From time to time Jack stopped taking his Haldol, and the voices and concerns over being watched became stronger.

During the past 7 years Jack was hospitalized 5 times. He applied for and now receives SSI, and with the assistance of a case manager has moved into his own apartment. He is now a member of a psychosocial "clubhouse" for people with mental illness. He attends the clubhouse 3 times a week. He answers the phone, and helps write the clubhouse newsletter. He has a few friends at the clubhouse, but he has never had a girlfriend. Jack told his case manager he would like to get a job so he can earn more money and maybe buy a car.

Jack is very worried about looking for a job. He doesn't know how to explain his disorder to a potential employer, and he is afraid of becoming overwhelmed. He likes movies and would like to work with them in some manner.


Case Answers

1. The rehabilitation professional will need to assist the consumer and employer in designing a work environment that is structured with minimal stress and reduced stimulation. The consumer will need to avoid situations in which they have multi-demands (for example, many people asking things of them at the same time).

2. Jack may start out working part time at a video store during low traffic times. He might work mornings returning tapes to the shelves, or weekdays when the store has fewer customers. He might also consider working at a movie theater, perhaps as a projectionist.

3. The rehabilitation professional will need to:


This is a site created for ISSI470, an academic course at Monmouth College