Ties to Biotechnology:   Some abnormalities in mental health have a genetic basis, so if there is a gene for a certain abnormality the human genome project, gene therapy, and other techniques involving biotechnology can be used.  Biotechnology can play a role because with it new drugs, treatments, and preventatives can be developed for mental health.  If the media were to make mental health a bigger deal than more research may be focused on it, but right now medical diseases have enveloped the industry.  The money, backing, support, etc. is not behind the mental health.  I believe vast improvements could potentially be made if we focused more attention on mental health.  One way to improve it would be better and earlier diagnosis because as we said, many disorders are not detected right away and many times disorders which means that two or more disorders occur at one time.  Better detection and diagnosis would allow for treatments to start earlier, whether it is drugs, behavior therapy, etc.  Mental health is more of a private matter and is not suppose to be a public issue.  It is seen as the dark side of health, so until it is made more public, not many improvements will be made.   

The problem is that psychological disorders very rarely have only a single cause.  Many factors play a role in psychological disorders.  The environment, personality traits, heredity, and many other factors play a role.  One of the major models followed in psychology is the Diathesis Stress Model.  This model states that people have certain predispositions for a disorder and then it takes some kind of a stressor to trigger the onset of the disorder.


Abnormal Psychology is similar to the presentation done by Kristen. Both are related to the study of the mind.  Both tie into biotechnology in similar ways because they need improvements in earlier detection and diagnosis.  Biotechnology could also bring about improvements if a genetic basis or gene was found in any of the disorders.  If genes play a prominent role, then genetic research could benefit these areas of abnormality.  Gene therapy, genetic isolation, and so on could be used to treat the disorders.  They also need further research, although hers is even further behind because it is not based on any scientific research.  My topics, of Schizophrenia, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety disorder also have definitions and guidelines to follow, whereas the psychology of terrorism has no preset definitions to follow. 

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