The relationship of this project to Biotechnology and Human Values



      Microbial forensics is highly related to Biotechnology and Human Values because of its connection to terrorism.  A large portion of class time was dedicated to learning about bioterrorism and possible bioterrorist weapons.  We also had a mock Congressional Hearing to discuss what "mechanism" the U.S. should perceive as the most threatening bioterrorist weapon.  To go along with the hearing, the class was designed to read three executive summaries from the National Academies Press.  The articles were all dealing with terrorism and possible ways to make the nation safer.  The summaries were Making the Nation Safer, Countering Bioterrorism: The Role of Science and Technology, and Biological Threats and Terrorism.

       Microbial forensics is a possible way to help make the nation safer.  By using microbial forensics to develop either a national or international database of pathogens that could be used as a bioterrorist weapon, the nation will be improving its means to prevent, deter, & react to bioattacks.  Microbial forensics also strengthens the investigation and prosecution of crimes that involve pathogens being used as weapons.


         The psychology of terrorism ties into the theme of Biotechnology and Human Values just as microbial forensics does.  A large portion of the class is dedicated to bioterrorism and bioterrorist agents.  The psychology of terrorism studies those who use terrorism or bioterrorism.  It also studies how terrorism can effect the population and how the population can overcome it psychologically.  By learning about the psychology of terrorism, the class was able to gain an incite into not just the act of terrorism itself but the terrorists.

      Another aspect that ties the psychology of terrorism to biotechnology is the possibility of research.  By researching, scientists could possibly discover a biological or genetic aspect that coordinates with all terrorists.  Perhaps it could be a gene that promotes aggression and violence.  If this were the case, then there could be a way to alter this genetic aspect so that people are not prone to becoming terrorists.  Also through research, scientist may be able to develop a medication that could prevent people who are prone to becoming irrational, aggressive, and violent from turning into terrorists.







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This is a site created for Biotechnology and Human Values (ISSI470), an academic course at Monmouth College.