The Role of the Citizen


       The citizen does not have a large role in microbial forensics or the psychology of terrorism.  For both areas, it is the citizens responsibility to be aware of what is going on.  As for the psychology of terrorism, in the incident of a terrorist attack, it is the citizen's responsibility to know how to cope with the situation.  The citizen must be aware of their feelings they are experiencing due to the situation and not be afraid to talk about them.  The citizen needs to remember that they have overcome adversity and trauma in the past and that they need to stay positive as much as possible. It is also important for the citizen to recognize that the nature of terrorist attacks creates fear and uncertainty about the future.  It is also important for the citizen to know the actions the government is taking to restore safety and security and to limit his or her exposure to media coverage.  As for microbial forensics, it is the role of the citizen to recognize the importance of establishing a national database of pathogens that could be used in a bioattack.  Although this database will cost a lot of money, the citizen should be supporting its development.  The citizen can do this by writing to representatives or other government officials or by simply educating other citizens about it.

       With the psychology of terrorism, it is important for the citizen to be educated in the items mentioned above.  The citizen should also attempt to understand that this area is not based completely on scientific data.  It is also important for the citizen to understand that there is no direct definition of what a terrorist is.  It is different for everyone.  Those who are terrorist, do not see themselves as one.  They tend to see themselves as fighting for a cause.  With microbial forensics, it is the citizens responsibility to continue updating their education and knowledge.  They should continue educating themselves on what the government is doing to make the nation safer.  After all, the citizen is apart of the nation and it is their safety that is being addressed.







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This is a site created for Biotechnology and Human Values (ISSI470), an academic course at Monmouth College.