Comparing to Other Class Topics


  •     The psychology of terrorism is quite similar to Coco's topic dealing with mental health disorders.   She looked at schizophrenia, anti-social personalities, and generalized anxiety disorders.  Her topics related to biotechnology in the same way that the psychology of terrorism relates to it.  For both topics, there is a need for scientific research.  Through research, scientists could discover a genetic aspect that causes these disorders or increases a persons chance of developing one.  Through research, scientists could develop better treatments and perhaps better ways to diagnose the disorders.  The difference between the two topics is that Coco's has a lot of scientific data, while mine does not.   Another difference is that the disorders that Coco discussed are much more common than terrorism.  Her disorders are much easier to research than terrorists. 


  •   Microbial forensics is somewhat similar to the human genome project.  The human genome project established a database of all the genes in the human genome.  This is exactly what many scientist in microbial forensics want.  They want to set up a national or international database of all of the pathogens that could possibly be used as a bioweapon.  Through microbial forensics, scientists could layout the different sequences of each pathogen, which is just what the human genome project did.  The only difference between the two is that the human genome project was working with genes from humans and that microbial forensics will be working with DNA from pathogens. To learn more about the human genome project, go to either Matt or Jeff's websites.




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This is a site created for Biotechnology and Human Values (ISSI470), an academic course at Monmouth College.