Controversy in this area


     There are a few controversial topics in both areas.  In microbial forensics, it is debated whether or not the database should be national or international.  This debate pretty much ties down to money.  Since a national database is going to cost a lot of money, the cost of an international one would be immense.  Some may argue that the nation should not spend that much money, but the database is crucial  for the nation's safety.  Many may also worry where that money is going to come from. 

      The only real controversy in the psychology of forensics is who really is a terrorist.  There is no real working definition or guidelines to classify someone as a terrorist.  No one sees themselves as a terrorist.  To them, they are fighting for a cause.  Also, society can change its opinion of what someone is.  A great example of this is the Hungarian Freedom Fighters.  They were seen as terrorists at the time because they chose to challenge foreign domination of their country and to assert their right to freedom and democratic self-determination, but years later were seen as heroes.



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This is a site created for Biotechnology and Human Values (ISSI470), an academic course at Monmouth College.