Psychopathology & Severe Mental Disorders



Psychological Types who would be most likely to threaten or use weapons of mass destruction:  

(According to the American psychologist Berkowitz in 1972)

  • Paranoid Schizophrenics
  • Borderline Mental Defectives
  • Schizophrenic Types
  • Passive-Aggressive Personality Types
  • Sociopath Personalities

*Berkowitz  considered sociopaths to be the most likely to use weapons of mass destruction.


Problems with this theory:


  • Throughout the past 30 years, there has been very little scientific evidence to support this theory.  
  • Studies have made comparisons of terrorists with non-terrorists brought up in the same neighborhoods.  The data showed that each group had similar psychopathology rates that happened to also be low in both groups.
  • Jessica Stern (1999), a nuclear terrorism expert, claimed that schizophrenics and sociopaths may desire to commit acts of mass destruction but are less likely to actually succeed than others.
  • According to McCauley (2000), lone bombers or lone gunmen who kill for political causes may indeed suffer from psychopathology, but terrorists in groups are quite different.  They can organize successfully and will be more likely to be within the range of normality.
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This is a site created for Biotechnology and Human Values (ISSI470), an academic course at Monmouth College.