My name is Stacey Feiden, and I am a senior chemistry major at Monmouth College.  I am from Oregon, Illinois, but my family is currently residing in Hillsboro, New Hampshire.  I plan on attending graduate school to get my Masters in Forensic Science. 

My interest in forensics started when I was a senior in high school.  I began watching a lot of television shows having to do with forensics and solving crimes.  My favorite is Law and Order.  I already knew that  I wanted to be a chemistry major, so I thought forensics would be perfect for me.  I find the science of forensics very fascinating.  It is awesome how DNA can be taken from a single strand of hair or drop of blood, and be used to convict a murderer.  I like the mystery involved in forensics.  I cannot wait to be a part of a forensics team, and help solve crimes. 

Take a look at my resume.

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