compiled by Megale Hyparchos Mary Banovetz (2008-2009)


N.B.: At National Convention the Board of Trustees awards a $100 outreach prize to the chapter with the most significant outreach project promoting Latin.


  1. Involve your chapter with local schools, K-12
    1. Tutor local Latin or Greek students
    2. Organize & teach Latin or Greek at a local school
  2. Sponsor an essay competition

                                                               i.      Beta Nu sponsored an essay competition for local middle- and high-school students on a quote from Homer

    1. Host a “Latin Day” for area students – in association with JCL perhaps

                                                               i.      Gamma Omega hosted 160 high-school students and involved them in activities such as a certamen, gladiatorial fights, and performances of classical theatre

    1. Sponsor local middle and high-school students to take the national Latin exams
    2. Dictionaries or Eta Sigma Phi medals make great prizes!
    3. Day program at local schools:

                                                               i.      Teach students the Greek alphabet in conjunction with a lesson on Myth

                                                             ii.      Teach students how to make togas and armor in conjunction with a lesson on Roman history

  1. Typical Volunteer Projects – these are a good way to increase your visibility on campus and in the community:
    1. Food drives/Food Bank
    2. Adopt-a-highway  programs
    3. Donations to local charities (Ronald McDonald House, Make-a-Wish foundation, etc)
    4. Donate Classics books to area schools – or schools overseas
    5. Relay for Life Team
  2. Serve as volunteers and/or judges for a local Junior Classical League event