Star Wars
Star Wars I:
The Phantom Menace /
Star Wars II:
Attack of the Clones /
Star Wars III:
Revenge of the Sith /
Star Wars IV:
A New Hope /
Star Wars V:
The Empire Strikes Back /
Star Wars VI:
Return of the Jedi Note: Scenes in bold were shown in class.
Star Wars I:
The Phantom Menace 1. Opening Logos 2. The Phanton Menace 3. Short Negotiations 4. Queen Amidala 5. Landing on Naboo 6. Jar Jar Binks 7. Otoh Gunga 8. Boss Nass 9. The Planet Core 10. Invasion of Theed 11. Surprise Resue 12. Running the Blockade 13. Tatooine 14. Watto's Shop 15. Fateful Meetings 16. Dinner Conversation 17. Preparing for the Race 18. A Wager with Watto 19. Meet the Podracers 20. "Begin the Race" 21. Lap Two 22. Home Stretch 23. Collecting the Prize 24. Choosing a New Path 25. Darth Maul Attacks 26. The Queen's Worries 27. Arrival on Coruscant 28. The Jedi Council 29. Senate Session 30. Testing Anakin 31. Paltapine's Nomination 32. Anakin's Future 33. The Queen's Gambit 34. A Plea to the Gungans 35. Battle Plans 36. "Wipe Them Out" 37. Retaking the Palace 38. The Conflict Continues 39. Duel of the Fates 40. Gungan Retreat 41. Qui-Gon vs. Darth Maul 42. Capturing the Viceroy 43. Obi-Wan vs. Darth Maul 44. Control Ship Destroyed 45. A Sith Vanquished 46. Cancellor Palpatine Arrives 47. New Knight, New Apprentice 48. Farewell to a Jedi 49. Naboo Celebration 50. End Credits
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones 1. Opening Logos 2. Attack of the Clones 3. Return to Coruscant 4. Chancellor's Meeting 5. Old Friends 6. Assassins 7. Speeder Chase 8. Into the Club 9. New Assignments 10. Traveling Incognito 11. Dex's Diner 12. Jedi Archives 13. "Encouraged to Love" 14. Yoda and the Younglings 15. Return to Naboo 16. Audience with the Queen 17. Kamino Arrival 18. Meeting Lama Su 19. Stolen Kiss 20. Inspecting the Clones 21. Teasing a Senator 22. Jango's Apartment 23. Forbidden Love 24. Obi-Wan's Report 25. Nightmare 26. Obi-Wan vs. Jango 27. Back to Tatooine 28. Asteroid Chase 29. Lars' Homestead 30. Anakin's Search 31. Dooku's Separatist Plot 32. Tusken Camp 33. Out of Range 34. "You're Not All-Powerful" 35. Enemies Revealed 36. Obi-Wan Captive 37. Emergency Powers 38. Droid Factory 39. Love Pledge 40. The Arena 41. "This Party is Over" 42. Yoda's Cavalry 43. Clone War 44. War Room 45. Duel with Dooku 46. Master Yoda 47. "Well Done, Lord Tyranus" 48. "Begun. The Clone War Has" 49. Secret Union 50. End Credits
Star Wars III:
Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars IV: A New Hope
Star Wars V:
The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars VI: Return of the Jedi