Answers to Dependent Clauses Exercise (Exercise 4)
1. If the manager is unable to help = adverb clause modifying the verb try
2. whom you should write the letter = noun clause used as the object of the preposition
3. whose neck was broken = adjective clause modifying the subject man
4. that the ozone levels were dangerous = noun clause used as the direct object
5. when the mayor changed his mind = adverb clause modifying the verb objected
6. that Mr. Jones will not return = adverb clause modifying the predicate adjective unfortunate
7. Why you don't do your work = noun clause used as the subject
8. where your Grandfather is buried = noun clause used as the predicate nominative
9. that the island is under water = noun clause used as the appositive
10. whoever told the truth = noun clause used as the indirect object