Answers to  Prepositional Phrase Exercise (Exercise 2)



1. from her desk modifies "took" telling where / of one modifies "edition" telling which / of the classics modifies "one" telling what kind

2. in the display case modifies "was placed" telling where / in the corner modifies "case" telling which / of the library modifies "corner" telling which

3. of mysteries and detective stories modifies "books" telling what kind / in the library modifies "are found" telling where

4. about magic modifies "story" telling what kind / in our literature book modifies "appears" telling where

5. to the solution modifies "clues" telling which / of the mystery modifies "solution" telling which

6. by Arthur Conan Doyle modifies "stories" telling which / about Sherlock Holmes modifies "stories" telling what kind

7. of ancient Pompeii modifies "wall" telling which / by an ordinary peasant modifies "was discovered" telling how