Works Cited

Clauses: the Essential Building-Blocks.  March 2002.  Capital Community College.  <>.

Daily Grammar.  April 2002.  1999.  <>.

Forlini, Gary.  Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition.  Prentice Hall.  New Jersey.  4th ed.  1990. 

Hasselgård, Hilde.  Glossary of grammatical terms used in English Grammar: Theory and Use.  17 April 2002. <>.

Moore, Andrew. Structure of English.  17 April 2002. <>.

 Mulderig, Gerald P.  The Heath Handbook.  Lexington, Massachusetts: D.C. Heath and Company, 1995.

School Icons Club.  March 2002.  10 August 1998. <>.

The Garden of Phrases.  March 2002.  Capital Community College.  <>.

Warriner, John E.  Elements of Language: Annotated Teacher's Edition 3rd Course.  Holt, Rinehard and Winston.  Austin.  2001.  

Weiner, Tracy.  A Ten Minute Tour of Complex Sentences: Phrases, Clauses, and What They Do.  May 1999.  <>

Writers' Workshop.  Feb. 1997.  University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. 17 April 2002. <>.