Worksheet #4
Choose the better of the two sentences.
1. Spending too much time on his old house, Casey's down time just wasn't enough.
Spending too much time on his old house, Casey soon found he'd used all of his down time.
2. The kids were fascinated by the raccoons digging in the garbage.
Digging through the garbage, the kids were fascinated by the raccoons.
3. I love to hear choral music doing my exercises.
I love to hear choral music while I do my exercises.
4. Without a plan for the future, we decided to get married on Sunday.
Without a plan for the future, a Sunday wedding seemed all right at the time.
5. The volleyball team only lost 2 games in the last 6 years.
The volleyball team lost only 2 games in the last 6 years.
6. To become a respected preacher, you must gain respect carefully.
To become a respected preacher, respect must be gained carefully.
For the following questions, choose from the answers to the question.
7. Which of the following is a dangling modifier?
-Moving quickly,
Shalyn chased the fox.
-After drinking the
Pepsi, Kelli threw up.
-To raise a good
child, patience is useful.
-All of the above
-None of the above
8. Which of the following has a misplaced modifier?
-A cat showed
up in my dreams and swam like a fish.
-The hamburger
on the table is Evan's.
-Hilary only
talks about changing her hairstyle.
-All of the
-None of the
9. Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
-Lindsey only
hinted that she would help us paint.
-Alison wished
Kayla would listen.
-Only Tanya
wanted to go to the mall.
-All of the
-None of the