Activity #1: This activity requires a little bit of time and patience! The idea is to create a short book together as a class. The first thing you need to do is select a topic of interest to your students. You then want to plan a basic outline for the events that happen in your book. It would probably work best to do this as a class and then break into groups to work on specific chapters of your book. This way everyone will know what section of the book they are writing about and how it will relate to the rest of the groups work. After all the chapters are written you should put the book together in a rough format and allow the students a chance to proofread each others work. After they make all the corrections they feel they can make the teacher should proofread a final time. When the book is complete you may want to laminate it and bind it or you could cover it with construction paper and staple it into the book format. The book can then be placed in the school library for other students to enjoy. This activity may take a few days but is a good activity for working on proofreading a well as writing skills. It is also good for learning main idea and sequence of events.
Activity #2: This activity is similar to memory. We call it Subject-verb agreement memory. For this activity the teacher will have to make up their own memory cards. The idea is to use a subject and verb that agree. You may want to include a picture on the cards. For example: On one card you could have the phrase The man and then on another card you would have is hula-hooping. You may want to have a picture of the man hula-hooping on both cards. Then you could also have a card that states was hula-hooping. This would not be a match because the man IS presently hula-hooping. They would have to find another card with a different picture to show that he was but is not anymore.
Activity on the web: Here is a fun activity for younger children that they can play with on the web. The address is: Enjoy!