Quiz Answer Keys

Quiz #1: 1. wants                         9. are
                                2. wants                        10. are
                                3. forgets, put               11. contains
                                4. causes                       12. becomes
                                5. show                         13. were
                                6. is                               14. are
                                7. is                               15. gets
                                8. dislike

Quiz #2: 1.CS                              9. CS
                                2. CS                            10. C
                                3. CS                             11. C
                                4.CS                              12. R
                                5. R                                13. CS
                                6. C                                14. F
                                7. CS                             15. R
                                8. C                                16. R

Quiz #3:

1. The chocolate chip cookies tasted delicious; he used his grandma's recipe.

2. The five dogs enjoy playing with the kittens, so that is why we bought them.

3. I enjoy watching baseball games, but I prefer playing them.

4. The fraternity restricts their party guests, so I won't join them.

5. Brooke's contacts were torn. She can't see anything.

6. Her wedding was expensive, and she doesn't even have a job.

7. Actions speak louder than words; I'm still not hearing anything.

8. The show starts at 8:00. I want to be there by 9:00.

9. NASA wants to design a new space program; they don't have the funding.

10. Lawyers reviewed the case for problems; they didn't find any.

11. I plan to visit my friend in Columbus, Ohio, right after school lets out; I may not be able to stay very long.

12. Rebekah's hair looks better today than it did yesterday; however, it still is long.

13. Her tinsel looks beautiful in the tree; most people just use ribbon.

14. Sarah almost hit a deer, but stopped in time.

15. Because the school let children out early; Neil will not be able to attend the party.

16. My dad drives two vehicles. One that is sporty and one that gets good gas mileage. 

17. Although her party usually takes place in April; I think they scheduled it for May this year.

18. The room looks darker than usual; it needs more lamps.


Test answer keys

Test #1: 1. c                              14. have
                        2. f                               15. include
                        3. cs                            16. Does
                        4. c                              17. are
                        5. f                               18. goes
                        6. cs                            19. is
                        7. c                              20. was
                        8. f                               21. get
                        9. fs                             22. is
                       10. cs                           23. is
                       11. Do                          24. forgets
                       12. have                      25. play
                       13. tells

Test #2: 1. F                             14. think
                        2. C                             15. drinks
                        3. F                              16. sounds
                        4. F                              17. knits
                        5. C                              18. need
                        6. F                               19. R
                        7. C                               20. R
                        8. F                               21. C
                        9. plays                         22. C
                        10. gives                       23. R
                        11. makes                     24. C
                        12. take                         25. R
                        13. wants

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