Worksheet Answers
Worksheet 1:
1. The bus left early this morning. I did not get up in time.
2. The little pigs like to eat corn, so that is why we buy it.
3. The library is closed on Saturdays, but it stays open late on Sunday.
4. Bryan broke his glasses; he can not see anything.
5. Jake's flight leaves at eleven o'clock; he won't be able to make it.
6. The music is loud, and the dancers are great.
7. The film is being released tomorrow; I saw a commercial on television.
8. Playing is her passion, so she won't want to coach.
9. Tom's car is leaking oil, so he can't drive it to school.
10. My car needs a new alternator. I can't drive it until I buy one.
11. Suzy has bad dreams at night. She sleeps in Robin's room.
12. She enjoys taking vacations, but she enjoys planning them even more.
13. Reporters should write the news; they shouldn't make it.
14. The movie ends differently than the book; the producer wanted a scary ending.
15. Jenna was late to class. she missed the assignment.
16. Kasseys hair looks better today; however, it still needs work.
17. Sarah almost ran the stop sign, but stopped in time.
18. Jeff hired the new worker; who later became his boss.
19. Books usually are exciting to me; however; that one was boring.
20. The floral arrangement needed more colors. The bouquet didn't have enough contrast to it.
21. The room looks dark; it needs more lamps.
22. Red shirts can not be washed with white clothes, unless you don't mind wearing pink.
23. He dislikes working with females; moreover, he refuses to speak to them in public.
24. While the problem seems to have gone away, we're still looking for possible causes.
Worksheet 2:
1. While driving by the softball complex, I noticed the lights were on.
2. Even though she paid for the candy, the clerk refused to give it to her.
3. We started the meeting without you because you arrived late.
4. Ms. Whalen would like to see you in the gym, which is across from the office.
5.The trees will grow next week, even though we planted them yesterday
6. She decided to run away and marry him because he said he loved her.
7. The softball team sure surprised us by advancing to game five.
8. If you want to receive your package next week, you must order it by tonight.
9. Painting challenges us to interpret the artists mood because we are constantly searching for meaning.
10. Dolls often appear angelic, although some can be rather scary.
11. Although they were not interested in drama, Kathy brought her friends to the play.
12. Changing his mind often; Doctor Geeves could not convince us that he knew what he was doing.
13. Knowing the school colors, Norma ordered the wrong shades of confetti.
14. Kayla turned the report in the day after it was due.
15. Although the play runs through April, We won't be able to begin rehearsal until March.
16. It rained during last years graduation party, so we decided to have hers in doors this year.
17. He closed the garage door before the cat got out, he was afraid she might get catnapped.
18. The wind blew through the leaves of the trees; they were blooming and the scent reminded me of spring weather.
19. Greg chases ambulances all over town; his law practice isn't doing as well as it used to be.
20. Cruising the streets is a common form of entertainment for teenagers, they have very few entertainment options in this town.
21. Buttons make clothes more functional, they also can accent outfits.
22. Summer schedules should arrive next week; we will know then whether the class we need is being offered.
23. Mexican food is my favorite type, Chinese food comes in a close second.
24. Lottery numbers are drawn at random, so you have a better chance of winning if you play the same numbers every time.
25. Diamonds make a wonderful gift, but they cost so much that many people have to pay for them in installments.
26. College scholarships are offered at the end of the school year; many students miss the deadline for application.
Worksheet 3:
1. scares
2. win
3. cause
4. make
5. were
6. disappear
7. has
8. need
9. were
10. result
11. has
12. is
13. Mike called the repair shop for towing services.
14. His mother, Jane, wants to see the ring returned.
15. Cat ,my good friend, should read that journal.
16. The recipe requires blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
17. As soon as it rains, we can cut the grass and fertilize it.
18. I need to buy toothpaste, soap, and shaving cream.
19. The concert is April 21, 2002.
20. Cary's dog has a rash.
21. The computer's hard drive crashed during the lightning storm.
22. The baseball game took over three hours, and the guys got really tired in the last inning.
Worksheet 4:
1. Spending too much time on his old house, Casey soon found he'd used all of his down time.
2. The kids were fascinated by the raccoons digging in the garbage.
3. I love to hear choral music while I do my exercises.
4. Without a plan for the future, we decided to get married on Sunday.
5. The volleyball team lost only 2 games in the last 6 years.
6. To become a respected preacher, you must gain respect carefully.
7. To raise a good child, patience in useful.
8. A cat showed up in my dreams and swam like a fish.
9. All of the above