Test #2
For the following exercises, choose whether they are correct (C) or they have a fragment (F).
1. ____ Walking past the park. Lindsey saw that the kids were still playing.
2. ____ Hilary gave the order to the waitress, who then gave it to me.
3. ____ Even though Evan was sick. The doctor gave her no medication.
4. ____ Because Kelli was excited. She decided to do cartwheels through the hallway.
5. ____ Willy and I took the car to the mechanics because the brakes were shot.
6. ____ Although Coco planted her flowers. They still have not bloomed yet.
7. ____ If you want your clothes shipped by Wednesday, you need to order them by Monday afternoon.
8. ____ Clowns are sometimes scary. But kids like them.
For the next set of questions, circle the correct verb form.
9. In the morning, Liz (play, plays) music in her room.
10. Jake (gives, give) out his business card to all potential customers.
11. Kelli loves exercise because it (make, makes) her feel good.
12. Hilary will (take, takes) her test on Friday in Zoology.
13. Evan never (want, wants) her friends to help her with her homework.
14. Lindsey is going to the baseball game later today, but I (think, thinks) she will have to go alone.
15. He (drink, drinks) a gallon of water a day.
16. Her saxophone is broken and it (sound, sounds) awful.
17. My sister (knit, knits) beautiful blankets.
18. If you want good grades, you might (need, needs) extra help.
For the following sentences, choose whether they are correct (C) or a run-on (R).
19. ____ She shut the door before the cat ran out she was scared it would get too cold.
20. ____ The police chased the car all over town the people in it had been drinking.
21. ____ Rainbows only come out when it has been raining, so there could be one today because it rained this morning.
22. ____ I really like to go shopping, but I tend to buy too much stuff.
23. ____ My high school teachers were hard Mr. Doyle was really tough.
24. ____ She likes to ride horses, but only with a saddle.
25. ____ Summer school is necessary during college I am taking 2 classes.