Helping Verb Song
Directions: The words of this song go along with the Barney song "I Love You" or for those of you who don't know that tune, sing it to "This Old Man."
have - has - had
do - does - did
be - am - is - are - was - were - been
can - could - shall - should - will - would - may
might - must - being
are helping verbs!
Power of the Verb
Directions: Students are to brainstorm, in small groups, action verbs, and write them down in list form. They are to then act out the action words in front of the class.
Process: The teacher distributes paper to the groups of students with a general action verb at the top. For example: move, eat, communicate, talk, run, look etc. When the teacher says "Go," the students brainstorm different action verbs for the more general verb and write them down. Example: move: stroll, charge etc. After a minute or two the teacher says "Stop," and the paper is passed to the next group to continue adding to the list. When all the groups have added to each power verb list, volunteers go up to the front of the room and act out the verbs while the rest of the class guesses what verb is being acted out. The lists are then collected and hung up in the room for reference lists for future writing activities.
Victor Verb
Directions: Teach verbs in an interesting and memorable way by labeling a human cut out with verbs that relate to the body parts. Label the human cutout "Victor Verb."
Process: The students are to look at Victor Verb and label him with verbs that are appropriate to the body. As the class comes up with lists of verbs the teacher is to write it in the appropriate spot on the body where it relates. For example: talk, chew and sing would all be put where the mouth is. When the body is full, hang Victor Verb somewhere in the classroom and have the students write a story about him using the verbs they came up with.
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