Well, it's finally time for the big game!  If you've studied the research, worksheets, activities, quizzes, and review pages, then you should perform well on this test.  Record your answers on a sheet of paper.  At the end of the test, click on the answer link to check your answers.  Good luck and go for the gold!  

Section 1

Directions: The following are definitions of the usage of the several different types of pronouns.  Give the name of the type of pronouns or each definition. 

1.)    Refers to a specific person or thing and changes its form to indicate person, number, gender, and case.

2.)    Points to and identifies a noun or a pronoun. 

       3.)    Used to ask questions. 

       4.)    Used to link one phrase or clause to another phrase or clause. 

      5.)    A pronoun referring to an identifiable but not specified person or             thing.  It conveys the idea of all, any, none, or some. 

       6.)    Can be used to refer back to the subject of the clause or sentence. 

     7.) Used to emphasize its antecedent.  They are identical in form to                reflexive pronouns. 

Section 2

Directions: Choose the correct pronouns that best fit the sentence.   

  1. (I,me) will pick up the team equipment.
  1. (She,her) sent (I,me) the tournament information.
  1. Are you going to cheer (he,him) on this evening?
  1. Wendy is somewhere around; have you seen (she,her)?
  1. The coach gave (him,he) and (me,I) a real bawling-out.
  1. They told (us,we) to meet (them,they) on the track.
  1. (They,them) invited (we,us) over for a team dinner.
  1. Our house is always open to (they,them).
  1. Adrian chose (he,him) and (I,me) for teammates.
  1. There were dozens of supportive fans around (we,us).
  1. If you happen to see your parents at the game this weekend, give (them,themselves) my best regards.
  1. I can’t understand (them,her) when she yells at (me,us).
  1. We came across a teammate of (us,ours) at the mall yesterday.
  1. I can’t find (my,ours) glove.  Can I use (yours,your), Maria?
  1. I cut (me,myself) when I was fixing my spikes.
  1. The team gave (me,I) the award for the most valuable player.
  1. The Brooklyn Dodgers did appreciate (his,their) many loyal fans.
  1. (We,us) don’t really understand how the rules work.
  1. (She,her) warned (her,herself) about the other team.
  1. Give (her,us) a chance to win!

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