Lyrics for “Who’s On First?”

                             On the St. Louis team we have Who is on first,                                                       What’s on second.
                                                 I don’t know who's on third.
                                        That’s what I want to find out.
                            I want you to tell me the names of the fellows on the
                                                           St. Louis team. 
                                I’m telling you Who’s on first
What’s on second. 
                                            I don’t know who's on third. 
                                    You don’t know the fellow’s names?  Yes. 
                                            Well then who's playing first? Yes.
                                I mean the fellow’s name on first base. Who? 
                                    The fellow playing first base for St. Louis.
                                            Who. The guy on first base.
                                                            Who is on first.
                                                What are you asking me for?
                                I’m not asking you I’m telling you Who is on first.                                                 I’m asking you who is on first. 
                                    That’s the man’s name. Whose name? Yes.
                                                    Well go ahead and tell me. 
                                                        The guy on first. Who?                                                     The first basemen.  Who is on first.
                                               Have you got a first basemen on first?                                                      Certainly.  Then who is playing first?                                                                         Absolutely!

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