Answers to Worksheet #1

1. B

2. C



5. D

6. A

7. A

8. B

9. B

10. C

Answers for Worksheet #2


1.his should be underlined with a P above it


2. them should be underlined with an O above it


3. We should be underlined with an N above it


4. her should be underlined with an O above it


5. My and I should be underlined.  My has a P above it and I had an N above it


6. She and Her should be underlined.  She should have an N above it and her should have an O above it.



2nd part


1.    first, S, O

2.    third, P, P

3.    third, S, N

4.    third S, P

5.    second, S, N

6.    third, P, N


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