The sentences have adverbs that tell us how, and they modify the verb. Find the adverbs in these sentences and tell what they modify.

  1. Joe was frantically mumbling to the 911 operator.
  2. The message was secretly hidden in the cushion.
  3. The room was decorated beautifully for the wedding.
  4. The spy readily accepted the new assignment.
  5. He was carefully disguised but captured quickly by police.

Answers to 'how'

These sentences have adverbs that tell us when, and they modify the verb. Find the adverbs and tell what they modify.

  1. As the car caught fire, he jumped immediately from it.

  2. Daily I go to the gym for exercise.

  3. The campfire was glowing later to our surprise.

  4. We will now finish the assignment.

  5. The work will be done tomorrow.

Answers to 'when'

These sentences have adverbs that tell us where, and they modify the verb. Find the adverbs and tell what they modify.

  1. The fighter moved forward to meet his opponent.

  2. There went the boy for some fun.

  3. Sit here in this comfortable chair.

  4. We are playing outside.

  5. Where have you been?

Answers to 'where'

These sentences have adverbs that tell us how much, and they modify adjectives. List the adverbs and what they modify.

  1. Sara is an unusually good cook.

  2. Jeff is very hungry.

  3. we all want a perfectly just government.

  4. The Internet is an entirely modern concept.

  5. These sentences are extremely brief ones.

Answers to 'how much'


These sentences have adverbs that tell us how much, and they modify other adverbs. List those adverbs and what they modify.

  1. The carpenter worked somewhat cautiously.

  2. The project was moving rather slowly.

  3. The amusement ride was much too fast for me to try.

  4. The program lasted much too long for Paul.

  5. Halloween was too far away for little Jim.

Answers to 'how much that modify adverbs'


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