Conjunction Worksheets to use in the Classroom!
bulletPaired Conjunctions

        Match the sentence half on the left, with the one on the right to make a complete sentence.  



Use the following Exercises for Teaching Conjunctions.  Have students insert the correct conjunctions within the sentences to connect them correctly.

Sample Exercises for Teaching Conjunctions

Use coordinating conjunctions to connect these words, phrases, or clauses:
1. The boy has a red coat. The boy has a blue coat.
2. The man was nice. The man had a good sense of humor.
3. The teachers are on strike. The students do not have school.
4. The dog ran down the street. The cat ran down the street

Use correlative conjunctions to connect these words, phrases, or clauses:
1. The boy went to school. The boy was late.
2. My daughter went to the party. My son went to the party.
3. I ate spaghetti. I ate salad.
4. The dog ran across the street. The dog did not run in front of a car.

Use subordinating conjunctions to combine these sentences:
1. The car drove by. We saw cows in the pasture.
2. The teacher failed me. I did not take my final.
3. I went to school. I was late.
4. I called the police. There was a strange man outside.


Paired Conjunctions

        Grammar focuses on the use of paired conjunctions, and this lesson is a straight forward, teacher centered, grammar lesson focusing on written and oral production of the target structure.--quote from the website

    ~~~Worksheet printout-Student answers will vary

bulletOnline Exercises--These exercises will allow you to understand more fully, the correct manner in which to use conjunctions.  Also, your knowledge will be tested when you have to distinguish between correct and incorrect answers.  Answers are provided by pressing the "Submit Answers" button.

        Exercise #1

        Exercise #2