
Do you know your stuff?

Read the following sentences and fill in the best answer for each one.

1. What language does the word interjection come from?_________________

2. What does an interjection do?__________________________________

3. Does a sentence have to have an interjection?_______________________

4. What punctuation do you need when you write an interjection?


5. Which of these words is not an interjection:
    a. cool  b. no  c. computer  d. wow

6. Not using the words from above, list three interjections.


7. Write a sentence using one of your interjections.


8. Should you use many interjections when you write a story?_____________

9. ________, I have lost my glasses!
a. Good-bye  b. Blast  c. Ouch

10. Ouch__ That hurts!