

What do you remember?

Read the following sentences and answer what they question asks.

1. List your five favorite interjections:


2. Where are interjections placed in a sentence?
    a.  The subject       b.  The predicate       c.   both

3.  When are interjections must often used?


4.  Which word is an interjection?
    a.  think     b.  whoa     c.  coat

5.  Are interjections part of a sentence? _______________

6.  Which interjection do we not use today?
    a.  cool    b.  awesome  c.  alas

Identify the interjections in questions 7-10.

7.  Stop!  The horse is running away.  _______________________

8.  Heads up!  Watch out for that tree! _____________________

9.  Ooooooooo, that's slimy.  _____________________________

10.  Eh, what did you say?  ______________________________