Further testing on articles

 Directions:  Fill in the blank with the correct articles.  Some of the sentences do NOT need an article, leave blank. 

1. Harold is        most obnoxious person I know.

2.  Diana is       very nice person.

3.  Last night we went out for      meal.

4.  Tonight we are probably going to eat in       hotel restaurant and then get to bed early.  I hate staying in hotels but it's part of the job.

5.  I cannot remember if I saw that film on television or at        cinema.

6.  Make sure you put your name at        end of the report.

7.  I'm sure it won't be long before people are living and working in        space.

8.  Have you already had         lunch?

9.  I spoke to several people at the cocktail party.  Was John        one with the red hair?

10.  I'd like to invite him to         dinner next week, if that's OK with you.

11.  Could you close         door, please?  It's really cold.

12.  We have got new offices near         center of the city.

13.  Have your new offices got      canteen?

14.  For lunch I had a sandwich.  I cannot remember what filling was in        sandwich.

15.  When you come out of the lift, you'll see two doors,      red one and       blue one.  My door is       red one.

16.  We need to do more for         poor.

17.  The greatest invention of the 20th century is        computer.

18.  I'm looking for       new job.

19.  I saw        man going into the office.  I don't know who         man was.

20.  When you're ready, I'll take you to         airport.

21.          United Nations.

22.         U.S.A.

23.          U.S.

24.            Spain

25.          British Airways

26.           N.A.T.O.

27.          Far East

28.          Japan

29.           Times Square

30.          World Bank




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