Diving into Articles

Directions: Fill in the blanks with 'A', 'An', or 'The' as needed.

1.  We see ____ moon at night.

2.  Miss Kitty puts ____ ice-cube into her


3.  _____ fire engine passes through ____ road.

4.  This is _____ peacock.  _____ peacock has colorful feathers.

5.  Give me ____ envelope.  I will put my letter in ____ envelope.

6.  Petu bought _____ new motorcycle.  _____ motorcycle is new in color.

7.  There is ____ orchard nearby.  _____ orchard has many apple trees.

8.  _____ Ganges is _____ holy river.

9.   Can I have _____ piece of cake? _____ cake is very tasty. 

10.  Piggy has _____ new raincoat.  _____ raincoat is blue in color.




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