The Printing Press is the English Department Newsletter. Its purpose is to inform majors and minors about programs and activities within the department. The Press will inform readers of activities and opportunities outside of Monmouth College. For any questions or submissions, contact or Features Provoking Discussion by Misreadings
By Megan Carlson Brooks Applebaum, the visiting professor this year for the English department, is planning to do a play for ILA classes this fall. The play, Misreadings, is about a teacher and student who do not get along. The student does not talk in class, but when asked to, she is disruptive. The teacher has, on many occasions, given the student time to come and talk to her, but this never happens. The 10 minutes that the play consists of focuses on a moment where the student has come to talk to the teacher about getting a passing grade the day before the final. The fact that the play is only 10 minutes shows that this could actually happen on a campus such as Monmouth. Brooks Applebaum and Anastashia Glazier play the starring and only roles in this play. Brooks is excited about Anastashia, who is a freshman this year. She finds her very sharp as an actress, and thinks that she understands the play and human nature very well. Brooks has done this play before, but is finding new depths to it with her co-star. Brooks Applebaum is hoping that this play will spark discussion. The subject of "what is relative in class?" definitely finds a way into this play. This is a good topic for ILA classes. Brooks wants the communication barrier broken, and starting with freshman is a good idea. She believes that this play "gives teachers and students an avenue by which to talk about communication". The play will be paired with discussion afterwards, and also packets for the professors to use in class. This will first be performed for ILA classes in late October. Brooks is hoping that they will be able to give a performance to the public, but that date is not yet released. Misreadings will spark discussion as to how a student and teacher do act, and how to break these strong personas of the "teacher" and the "student". I believe that Brooks and Anastashia will do a wonderful job of showing these personas, and I can't wait to see the performance! Who's Coming to Campus?
By Anne Stone When I realized that two poets were heading to Monmouth in late October to hold a workshop, I saved the date in my planner. Kimberly Johnson, an assistant professor of creative writing at Brigham Young University, and Jay Hopler, a creative writing/poetry assistant professor at the University of South Florida, will be holding a writing workshop and a reading. The workshop will be at 3 p.m October 22, although the exact location has yet to be divulged. The reading, however, will take place in the Mellinger Learning Center’s Great Room at 7 p.m that same day. Both of these young poets are very talented and seem to be already on their way to extremely successful careers. I happen to lack in the poetry department, and the idea of two promising poets headed to my very own campus nearly made my nerdy English-loving brain swell. Jay's book, Green Squall, was released this spring, and Louise Glück, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet and former U.S. Poet Laureate, chose it as the winner of the 2005 Yale Series of Younger Poets Award. Jay also holds MFAs from Johns Hopkins and the Iowa Writers' Workshop, and teaches at the University of South Florida in Tampa. Kim’s list of accomplishments is also quite lengthy. Before going on to finish her Ph.D. at Berkeley, where she specialized in Renaissance Literature, more specifically seventeenth-century lyric poetry, she earned MFAs from the Johns Hopkins Writing Seminars and the Iowa Writers' Workshop. Leviathan with a Hook is her first collection, and was published in 2002. She has just finished her second collection with the support of grants from the NEA and the Utah Arts Council.Now that I feel like a complete underachiever, I’m going to highlight and underline that date in my planner, and maybe write some poetry in my spare time to practice. Alright, I probably won’t practice up, but I’ll be at the workshop, and I hope to see you there, too.
Why are you an English Major? Masochism.-Amanda Bloomer Rob Hale told me that I would get all the girls. He lied.-Eric Davis The collective attractiveness of the English Department Staff, and all of the hot babes that dig English Majors.-Luke Gorham I fell into the major... and by falling, I mean Marlo Belschner pushed me really hard. Plus, I wanted to get a lot of hot dates. -Anne Stone
Writing Center Hours