The Printing Press

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  The Printing Press is the English Department Newsletter. Its purpose it to inform majors and minors about programs and activities within the department. The Press will inform readers of activities and opportunities outside of Monmouth College. For any questions or submissions, contact the Printing Press Crew at,




In This Issue:

North Henderson

by: Alex Nall

     I lived in North Henderson, IL for nineteen years. I am now twenty-years-old. North Henderson is a wafer-thin village with a population that consists of retired seniors, up and coming families and stray dogs. There isn’t much there. A few streets, some abandoned houses with paint chipping off the side and roofs caving in, a baseball field, a somewhat renovated park, a new thrift store that plays 50’s crooner ballads and a post office.

    I have learned that life in the country is about independence. Country kids have pretty normal lives inside their houses just like other kids. They play Xbox or watch too much TV and eat dinner at the table with their families, but life outside of the house is drastically different than that of a city kid. When you live in the country your life revolves around what you can do rather than what you are able to do. My friends and I understood this. Our independence came from living in our backyards:  we set up ramshackle huts and played Survivor. We would use our neighbor’s backyards for baseball, kickball, tag, red rover and water fights. The swing set in my yard was a castle. The shed of our veteran neighbor was the place to take girls and hide with them when we played hide and seek. We didn’t have the mall. We didn’t have fast food. We didn’t have the Internet, not yet. We had our hands and our imaginations.

    When you grow up country life becomes lonely. Your friends grow up, they get jobs, some go to jail, and a lot of them move away with their parents and find solace somewhere else, maybe in some other village. To survive this change one must explore. To a freshly christened teenager a driver’s license is Columbus’ map: a ticket to freedom and adventure. Most country kids take advantage of this and drive out to meet other people, go to other places and find that piece of independence they’ve been missing all these years behind the towering stalks of corn.

     Now we are all adults and are living different lives just like the kids growing up years before us. The kids still there will go through it as well. Life in the country is pretty much like anywhere else: we live, we play, we grow, we learn, we move.




It Was a Tuesday

By: Fannetta Jones

     As a junior, I am now enrolled in the obligatory “Reflections” class, the third installment in the Integrated Studies series. The class I chose to enroll in was “Poetics of the Self” with David Suda. This class is full of questions and contemplations about life that most people have yet to consider. For instance, the other day he asked us “How much does your life REALLY matter?” None of us could answer that question because it is mostly something to just “think” about. We’ve all come to the conclusion that he really wants us to just consider the impact we make on the world with the smallest contributions. With that in mind, we’ve also been reading a series of books about people’s lives and how they perceived what they could contribute with their lives. One book with this motive in mind was Tuesdays with Morrie by: Mitch Albom.

     In Tuesdays, Albom recounts the time and relationship that he had with his college professor, Morrie Schwartz. Morrie was the kind of man that had a lot of beliefs and opinions on how to live a good and productive life, most of which included establishing connections with others around you and generally being a good person. One of his man aphorisms mentioned in the book was “Love one another or perish.” This one statement influenced a lot of perspectives and how he was able to accept life as it came to him. The reason his acceptance of his life became so important was the fact that he had developed ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and his life was slowly coming to an end. Throughout the entire book, the reader cannot help but to fall in love with Morrie as well as develop a liking to Mitch. I know that reading it personally made me re-evaluate my life and some of the practices in it.

     I would definitely recommend this as the type of book that everyone, especially English majors, should read at least once in life.




East of Eden

By: Alex Nall

    Quickly dismissed by critics when it was first published, John Steinbeck’s later novel “East of Eden” is a postmodern work that comments on the struggle of one man and his journey to find Heaven in Hell. Steinbeck is writing about his home, his family and in the form a sprawling narrative tells two very essential stories: his own family history and the Book of Genesis. 
     The book depicts a variety of themes ranging from sibling rivalry in the beginning of the book to the freewill of man at the end. Steinbeck carefully exposes a universal truth to accompany the personal revelations that the characters discover as the age throughout the novel. During a later portion of the book, one of the sons of Adam, the protagonist, tells the family servant “I don’t want to do bad things, but I do”. This stark and revealing passage comes right after the death of a significant character and it is accompanied by the servant’s wise Biblical analysis: “
Tishmel´ (Thou mayest).  
     While the book is packed with dark themes on love, women and success, Steinbeck still seems to be writing about one essential ideal he concentrated on years ago in both “The Grapes of Wrath” and “Of Mice and Men”: the American dream. The characters in the book are emotionally unstable, indecisive and in the instance of Cathy, the novel’s dreary and haunting depiction of Satan, pure evil. Steinbeck’s division of these characters draws the line between what makes a person a hero or a villain, who wants to help the world and who wants to destroy it. By using the Book of Genesis and events from his own life as inspiration, Steinbeck creates a Salinas Valley that alludes to Eden but focuses on the cracks and terrains between the rolling mountains.



Survey Says!!!!

"What is the Scariest or Most Frightening book you've ever read?"

I think the scariest books I've read is probably Dracula.

-Noelle Templeton




The House of Leaves

-Jacob Johnson




.Patricia Highsmith’s Ripley Under Water

- Erika Solberg




I used to think  the scariest was King’s Salem’s Lot; now I think it is my dissertation. 

-Gary Willhardt

I'd have to say the scariest book I ever read was The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty. I watched parts of the movie that scared me really badly when I was about 11 or 12, so I figured if I read the book, it would help it to not be so scary. Wow, was I wrong. I could barely get through some scenes without cringing and I had to set it down several times and walk away.

- Leanna Waldron




Hands down, Orwell's 1984.

- Sara Hawk



The scariest book I’ve read is My Life by Mark Willhardt. :-)

- Kevin Roberts



I don't usually read scary books but I did recently read I Am Legend by Richard Matheson and it was pretty scary.

- Tiffany Lefler


Probably anything by Nicholas Sparks... YIKES!

-Jessica Irons





It by Stephen King-if you think the movie's bad, don't even touch the book.  I had nightmares for weeks!

-Mary Bohlander





-Mary Bruce





I don't know if it counts as a short story, but I would have to say The Fall of the House of Usher. All of Poe's work is creepy, but being buried alive like that is downright bone chilling.     

-Daniel Weber

Probably A Simple Plan by Scott Smith. The book tells the story of what lengths two brother will go to to keep 4 million dollars they find in the woods. They become consumed by greed and this book effectively shows the outcome  in the most horrific study of human nature.

-Alex Nall



Man, this was a hard one. I would have to say the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series from when I was younger. Man, there was this story about a kid that died like 8 different times and kept come back as a hitchhiker! Gah, it was crazy.

-Fannetta Jones



Pandora By: Anne Rice      

- Cristine Jordan




What to Expect When You're Expecting

--Laura Dumont





  • Come out to Sulci, the new poetry group on campus, Thursdays @ 10pm in the Great Room of the Mellinger Center.  For more information, contact Fannetta Jones at

  • Hope you went to see Crimson Masque's presentation of "Fat Men in Skirts." It was amazing. It featured our very own Alex Nall!

  • Good Luck on Midterms!








Writing Labs  


9:00-11:00 am Tuesday
3:00-5:00 pm Monday - Thursday
7:00-10:00 pm Sunday - Thursday

Fannetta Jones

Alex Nall


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