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The Printing Press is the English Department Newsletter. Its purpose is to inform major and minors about programs and activities within the department. The Press will inform readers of activities and opportunities outside of Monmouth College. For any questions or submissions, contact or
                                                                                                                        Spring 2003  Issue 3


English 200:  The New Required English Class

       Starting this semester, the department is offering a new required class for incoming students- English 200 or Intro to the English Major. This course is a replacement for the Intro to Research class and will be offered every spring rotating among department faculty as to who will teach it. The description on the website states that the course "should help you become a better writer and thinker, give you a basic understanding of the vocabulary, concepts, and conventions of literary analysis and English studies, and give you insight on how to use these skills and knowledge."

       In addition, some of the objectives of the course are to "develop a reliable writing process, have an awareness of the history of literary criticism, contemporary literary theory, and English Studies" as well as create an awareness in students of off-campus programs and internships.

       Some of the assignments students in the future can expect are 3-4 page essays, an argumentative research paper, and several thesis-focused journals based on prompts provided by the professor in addition to a comprehensive exam at the end of the semester. For the research paper, students will be expected to write an argumentative essay on a poem or short story by a canonical author citing five to ten sources. The entire writing and research process for this class is more in depth than previous research classes, taking two months before the paper and its findings are presented to the class at the end of the term.

       "The course was created to have a place in our curriculum where we could emphasize writing more," Professor Rob Hale states. "We felt like students needed to give more detailed attention to this topic early in their careers so that they could be more successful in the survey and upper-level courses. We also wanted to devote more time to developing research skills."

       The website states that, after beginning the class with the close reading of poetry, the class will cover Kate Chopin’s The Awakening to "practice close reading of fiction, to consider the similarities and differences between closely reading fiction and poetry."   It also covers various schools of twentieth century literary theory. 

       Shayna Chapman, who took the course this past semester, described the class, stating, "Basically the whole class was a writing-intensive class.  We did read some stuff but mostly we worked on how to write better simply by writing a lot."  Yet, despite the intense writing, she enjoyed the course.  "Overall, it was a pretty cool class," Shayna said when asked to give her opinion on the course.

       The intense writing and reading workout should prepare students of the English major for anything that comes their way in their four years of study. As Professor Hale says, "This class is like English boot camp to get basic skills in shape, but it also gives students a sense of what other English courses will be like and also what students can do with degrees in English."


Senior English Majors Spotlight

Marilyn Duke

Favorite MC memory?

My favorite MC memory would have to be when I made Greg Hitchcock sit on top of the cannon in HT for a photo assignment.  I have the picture for proof!

Favorite Class?

I have three:  Shakespeare:  Histories and Comedies with Dr. Watson, Creative Writing with Dr. Bruce, and Photography with Jeff McSweeney.

Favorite Professor?

I have so many, I can’t pick just one.  Not that that matters since I picked three favorite classes, but I’d have a decent sized list.

What class did you learn the most from?

Probably Creative Writing.  I learned that life is clichéd, awkward, a run-on, fragmented, and not earned.

What are your plans for after college?

I’d like to get into publishing as soon as possible, but in this economy, anything that I would learn and gain experience from would be nice.  I’m also going to continue writing and sending my stories to publishers.

What will you miss most about MC?

I will miss the closeness and familiarity I have with my professors, and the sheltered life of deferred subsidized loans.

Katie Tosterud

Favorite MC memory?
The random events and spurts of laughter with my roommates.
Favorite class?
English Senior Seminar
Favorite professor?
Susan Van Kirk and Marie Baker
What class did you learn the most from?
Student teaching and Senior Seminar
What are your plans for after college?
Teach high school English.
What will you miss most about MC?
My roommates and sleeping.
Ryan Standard
Favorite MC memory?
There are too many to name just one.
Favorite class?
ECON 200, ISSI, and Modern Poetry.
Favorite professor?
What class did you learn the most from?
ECON 200, Senior Seminar with Rob Hale, and Wilhardt's classes.
What are your plans for after college?
Attend law school.
What will you miss most about MC?
The campus, professors, and fellow students.


A Gala Affair

The annual English Department party for this spring will take place on Friday, May 2 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM.  As usual, it will be held at Dr. Watson's house at 925 East First Avenue.  Graduating senior English majors will be honored and new members will be inducted into Sigma Tau Delta, the international English fraternity.  All declared English majors are invited to attend.  No formal dress is required and food and drinks will be provided.

Attention Slackers

If you have not been keeping up to date with your English major portfolio, now is the time!  Portfolios are an important part of the English major and they can help you view your improvements over the years and also be good references when applying for jobs in the real world.  As the semester comes to a close, now is a good time to revisit the English Department website and run yourself a copy of the requirements.  To check the requirements and see what requirements you still need to meet, go to:

What are your plans for this summer?

I'm doing an internship at OSF Saint Francis in Peoria and working a couple of odd jobs on the side.
  • Autumn McGee

Waitressing at a small Irish pub in downtown Naperville and hopefully some community theatre on the side.  Researching grad schools and preparing for my semester in Chicago.

  • Lisa Rzeszutko

Going to England this summer with English 274, finishing second novel (maybe) and going to Boston Writers Workshop (maybe).  Resting?  I doubt it.

  • Dr. Bruce

I am going to be a camp counselor at Camp Algonquin this summer.  I’m sure I’ll end up finishing all the books that I have started but never find time to finish. 

  • Shannon Kloser

My plans for the summer are to work, hopefully through an internship.  Go camping, relax, read some books, and try not to go crazy.

  • Jessica Heinen

My main project is to work on essays on the 51st Psalm (The Jew of Malta) and on pirates (Measure for Measure).  Other than that, I have a huge reading list including material London (ca 1600) and some of Simon Forman’s autobiography (an early modern astrologer).  I also plan to travel a bit within the U.S. and Canada.

  • Professor Belschner
Moving to Dekalb to prepare for law school in the fall.  Oh yeah, and seeing at least three Dave Matthews concerts.
  • Ryan Standard
I'll be playing with my new daughter all summer long.


  • Professor Hale


Finals Week Tutoring

  7:00-10:00 pm Sunday-Tuesday

Faith Bode

Mathew Underwood

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