The Printing Press

Features  Survey Says | Announcements | Mellinger Tutoring Hours ! In this Issue

  The Printing Press is the English Department Newsletter. Its purpose it to inform major and minors about programs and activities within the department. The Press will inform readers of activities and opportunities outside of Monmouth College. For any questions or submissions, contact,, or


Beautiful Ladies at Sunset  in Paris




In This Issue:


by Fannetta Jones

blah blah blah yada yada yada



by Dustin Looney




 by Noelle Templeton



Survey Says!!!!


What's on your summer reading list?

I plan on reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn, The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, House of Abraham by Stephen Berry, and many other history books as I prepare for graduate school! All of these have been sitting on my shelf for a while and I can't wait to read them!

-Paige Halpin

Without Reservations, Rise of the Third Reich.  Biographies of the Krupp family, Angela's Ashes.

-Professor Mary Bruce

Since I was only able to dip my toes into the great expanse of the Sherlock Holmes canon through the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes in Professor Roberts's ENGL 180 course this semester, I would love to continue on and read the Memoirs and Return of Sherlock Holmes, His Last Bow, and the other two novels we didn't get a chance to read in class, The Sign of Four and The Valley of Fear.
Also (please don't cringe), I'd like to complete the Twilight saga and read books three and four in the series, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn.  Along the same lines, I need to go way back and pick up the last three installments in the Harry Potter series, as well.  (Yes, I've already heard...Hedwig perishes in the end.)
All in all, it looks like it's going to be a summer of completion for me, which seems awfully pertinent as I am graduating in May!  I'm sorry to all professors that I don't have more "scholarly" works on my summer reading list, but my brain needs a break!  In a roundabout way, though, to me that seems like a HUGE compliment to all of you!  You made me, and all of my fellow English majors work hard, and we appreciate it!  Thanks!  I'm going to miss you all!

-Crystal Chalkey

Two of my summer books are  a biography of the friendship between Coleridge and Wordsworth called The Friendship by Adam Sisman and Alan Moore’s graphic novel The Watchmen.

I’m so ashamed…

-Professor Rob Hale

My summer reading list includes the Twilight series.

-Donna Dukes

Everything Is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer.

-Kayt Griffith

The Bell Jar, and I might actually read Middlemarch, sorry Hale!

-Maddy Ethington

I always end up reading stuff I didn't plan to read, but at the moment , I'm planning on getting to Denise Mina's Resolution, anything I haven't read yet by Kelly Link, Elizabeth Samet's Soldier's Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point, Louise Erdrich's The Plague of Doves, and The 2008 Best American Short Stories.  And of course, I will definitely be reading (aloud) Beverly Cleary's Ramona Quimby, Age 8, and, yet again, Sharks and Other Dangers of the Deep.

-Erika Solberg

My summer reading list is: Moneyball by Michael Lewis, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe, Boom by Tom Brokaw, The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, The Prestige by Christopher Priest, and  Brave New World.
-Jackie Deskovich

A Hunger Like No Other:  I plan to read it, at least, 22 times (for every year that I've missed reading it)

-Kresley Cole

I have lots of half-read books on my shelf that need reading:  Anna Karinina, The Sun Also Rises, and Consider the Lobster.  I might start some new ones, too:  A Severe Mercy, Atonement, and Three Cups of Tea.

-Noelle Templeton













See the spring 2009 issue.

See Monmouth!





  • You are all invited to the English Department Party today from 4:30-6:30.  Professor Watson will act as host and tour guide. 




  • We welcome all submissions and suggestions, so feel to share your ideas.

Words of the Month
Do you know what they mean?
if not, look 'em up, use 'em well!








Get back into the "Spring" of things!

Visit the Writing Center
MLC 3rd Floor

Tuesday 9-11am
Monday-Thursday 3-5pm
Sunday-Thursday 7-10pm

Fannetta Jones

Dustin Looney

Noelle Templeton


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Monmouth College English Department
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