History Major. A major in history requires the completion of the Western Civilization sequence (History 101, 102, 103, which cover more than European history), one course each in the areas of United States and non-Western History, and History 300, which is the culminating experience of the major program. Four additional courses complete the major in history. Majors who wish to be candidates to graduate with departmental honors must take History 420. History majors are encouraged to participate in an off-campus program.

History Minor. A minor in history consists of five courses, including two courses in Western Civilization. The student must take one course each in the area of United States, European, non-Western study, or History 300.

Teacher Certification. History majors preparing to teach at the secondary level are required to complete the major cited above and to include History 111 and 112, at least one junior-level course in United States history, and three courses in world history. The State of Illinois requires a minimum of 32 hours of history. Students who plan to teach are advised to complete a minor in another department so they will be prepared to teach in more than one area. The additional requirements for certification are described in the Education Department section of the catalog and must include Education 341.