Graduate Shawnee High School, Shawnee, Oklahoma, 1957.

Baylor University, Waco, Texas, 1957-59.

The University of Texas at Austin. B.A. cum laude 1961, M.A. 1963, Ph.D. Jan. 1967.

Universität Hamburg, Germany, 1964-5.

Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Summer, 1973.

Zagrebacka Slavisticka Skola, Dubrovnik and Zagreb, Yugoslavia, Summer 1986.

Beloit College. Beloit, Wisconsin. Russian language study. Summers 1989, 1991.

Palacký University summer language program. Intermediate Czech. Olomouc. Summer 1994.


The University of Kansas, Lawrence Kansas. Assistant professor 1965-66, summer 1966.

The Monmouth College, Monmouth, Illinois. 1966-

Chair of History, 1970-1974, 1981-85, winter 1987-88, 1990, 1993-2003.

Acting Chair of Classics. Winter and Spring 1987-88, 1992-1993, Spring 1995.

Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois. Exchange, Spring 1971 and Fall 1972.

Fort Hays Kansas State College, Hays, Kansas. Visiting professor, summer 1971.

Arts of Florence, Associated Colleges of the Midwest. Director, 1974-75.

Yugoslavia program, Associated Colleges of the Midwest and Great Lakes Colleges Association, Director, Zagreb, fall semester 1986.

Estonian Institute for the Humanities. Tallinn, Estonia. May-June 1992.

Czech program, Associated Colleges of the Midwest and Great Lakes Colleges Association, Director, Olomouc, fall semester 1994.

Eastern Michigan University Summer Cultural History Tour. Six weeks of history/art history across Europe on trains with backpacks. Summers 1998-2004.

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