To: faculty
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 1994 4:57 pm
Subject: affirmative action
To: Faculty
Date: 12/21/94
Subject: Affirmative Action Statement
When we read in the Affirmative Action Committee's draft statement of philosophy that "Given the likelihood of past discrimination (passive or active) as revealed in present underrepresentation of certain groups, the college will seek to broaden diversity among its faculty", we were most concerned. We think highly of this institution and agree that, if it did practice discrimination in hiring, we would certainly want such inequality redressed. However, faced with the assertion that such active or passive discrimination has taken place, we reviewed the history of faculty and librarian hiring at Monmouth since 1982 and would like to share with you the results. We constructed these data from memory and there may be occasional inaccuracies.
We would urge you to revise and update this data and share it with others.
These data include only those individuals hired for at least half‑time teaching who were here for at least two years. Even granting that they are rough, the data strongly suggest that the College's hiring history between 1982 and the present does not suggest either active or passive discrimination of minorities. In fact, the data suggest just the opposite, namely that the College has been committed to diversity and has a record that we can be proud of and should celebrate.
In particular since 1982 the College has had an excellent record of hiring women. There is also good representation of faculty members from countries other than the US, and from people of Color. While there still remain some areas of concern‑‑African Americans and Hispanic Americans, in particular‑‑these are very specific situations which the draft statement on affirmative action does not necessarily address.
Since 1982, the College has hired 66 people of whom:
33 were White, American Men (50.0%)
27 were Women (40.9%)
1 was an African American man ( 1.5%)
5 were men from countries
other than the US. (7.6%)
From a slightly different persective:
35 were White Men (53.0%)
26 were White Women (39.4%)
1 was a Woman of Color ( 1.5%)
4 were Men of Color ( 6.1%)
6 were from Countries
other than the US ( 9.1%)
60 were from the US (90.9%)
No doubt, there are other ways to sort these data.
Monmouth College Academic Hiring: 1982 ‑ 1994
Faculty and Library Positions
At least 1/2 time, continuing Positions
YR DEPT Woman Non‑White Non‑US
Burhans (Adams) 82 SCTA *
Luebke 82 MUS
Luebke 82 MUS *
Crabbe 82 MFL *
Perry 82 ENG *
Pesch 82 PEC
Pibal 82 PEC
Hultgren 83 PEC *
Cogswell 83 MCS
Tucker 83 MCS *
Sienkewicz 84 CLAS
Smolensky 84 GOVT
Suda 84 HIST
Tyler 84 GEOL
Langworthy 84 PRS
Otten 84 PE
VanDen Berg 84 MFL *
VanDen Berg 84 MFL
Barnes (Bruce) 85 ENG *
Holm 85 MFL *
Wiedman 85 GEOL
Mozayan 85 PEC * *
Ambrose 86 PHYS * *
Bruflat 86 MFL
McGaan 86 SCTA
Meeker 86 ART *
Watson 86 ENG
Weiss 86 PEC
Noel 86 MFL *
Peterson 86 BIO
Scott 86 PRS *
Towers 86 EDUC
Gillogly 86 PRS
Haq 87 GOVT * * *
Wayne 87 ESL *
Potts 87 PE *
Douglas 88 EDUC *
Keller 88 MFL *
Rankin (D.) 88 SCTA
Mills 88 GEOL
Betts 89 MUS
Cathey 89 PRS
Lavriviere 89 PSYC *
McMillan 89 PEC
Thoms 89 PEC *
Rogers 89 PEC
Mikesell 89 SCTA *
Olson 90 PE
McCabe 90 PE *
Sammartano 90 BIOL *
Bruce 90 EDUC
Parry‑Giles 91 SCTA *
Gremmels 91 LIB *
Stewart 92 PEC *
Herold 92 LIB *
O'Keefe 92 LIB *
Connell 93 PEC
Cramer 93 BIO
Falgiani 93 PEC *
Li 93 PRS * *
Trees 93 PHYS
Cordery 94 HIST *
Boehm 94 BIOL
Hanson 94 PEC
Pollitz 94 LIB
Smith 94 PE *