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Computer Labs

Locations, Hours, & Equipment

Mellinger Learning Resource Center Lab

  • Location: Mellinger Basement
  • Hours: Open 24 hours (Use your ID card to get in if the door is locked.)
  • Equipment: 13 PCs, 1 printer, 1 scanner, and 1 LCD projector

Trotter Lab

  • Location: Wallace Hall Basement
  • Hours: Open until midnight
  • Equipment: 24 PCs, 1 printer, 1 scanner, 1 LCD projector


  1. If you discover that someone has forgotten to log off of a computer, then you're responsible for logging that person off. Viewing, changing, or tampering with anything in the person's account is a violation of Monmouth College policy.
  2. If someone needs to use a computer for academic work, there are no other computers available, and you're playing games, then you're required to give up your computer.
  3. Copying of Monmouth College software is prohibited.
  4. Tampering with the hardware is prohibited. Contact the Information Systems Center (x2106) if you experience any hardware problems.
  5. Food, drink, and tobacco are not allowed in any of the labs.
  6. Lab printers may not be used to print multiple copies of documents that are for NON-ACADEMIC use.
  7. Your ID card MUST be presented when requesting staff to alter your account.