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Computer Labs
Locations, Hours, & Equipment
Mellinger Learning Resource Center Lab
- Location: Mellinger Basement
- Hours: Open 24 hours (Use your ID card to get in if the door is locked.)
- Equipment: 13 PCs, 1 printer, 1 scanner, and 1 LCD projector
Trotter Lab
- Location: Wallace Hall Basement
- Hours: Open until midnight
- Equipment: 24 PCs, 1 printer, 1 scanner, 1 LCD projector
- If you discover that someone has forgotten to log off of a computer, then you're responsible for logging that person off. Viewing, changing, or tampering with anything in the person's account is a violation of Monmouth College policy.
- If someone needs to use a computer for academic work, there are no other computers available, and you're playing games, then you're required to give up your computer.
- Copying of Monmouth College software is prohibited.
- Tampering with the hardware is prohibited. Contact the Information Systems Center (x2106) if you experience any hardware problems.
- Food, drink, and tobacco are not allowed in any of the labs.
- Lab printers may not be used to print multiple copies of documents that are for NON-ACADEMIC use.
- Your ID card MUST be presented when requesting staff to alter your account.