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Online Course Evaluations

Online Course Evaluations Overview
Set Up an Online Evaluation
View How Many Students Have Completed the Evaluation
Resend the Email to Students Who Have Not Completed the Evaluation
View Evaluation Results
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Online Course Evaluations Overview

The online course evaluation is designed to work on college computers, student laptops, and mobile devices.

Prior to administering an online course evaluation, you'll need to set it up using the MC Survey Management program. Setup involves specifying the start and end times for the survey administration and sending notification emails (ballots) to students. The notification email contains a link (shown below) that your students must click on in order to access the evaluation.


Once a student completes the evaluation, he/she will need to click Finish in order to submit his/her answers.

Finish Link

Once a student clicks Finish, he/she cannot access the evaluation again. (If a student clicks the link to the evaluation after he/she has clicked Finish, a message displays that says "Thank you," and he/she will not be able to make any changes.)

Set Up an Online Evaluation

  1. Go to the MC home page (
  2. Select MyMC.
  3. If prompted, log in to the Forefront Threat Management Gateway page with your MC user name and password. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

    Login Window
  4. Under Campus Links, select Faculty Resources.

    Faculty Resources
  5. Select On-Line Class Surveys/Evaluations.
  6. On the Manage tab, click the Select a survey and Select survey administration down arrows and select the type of evaluation you want to administer and the desired class.

    Manage Tab

    Note: If the class is not listed, then click the Add Administration tab, select the class for which you want to create an administration, and click Create Administration.
  7. Select the Start and End times for the survey administration. (Students will not be able to access the evaluation outside of this date/time range.)

    Start and End Fields
  8. Click Save Date/Time Changes.
  9. If desired, on the Add Question tab, create a custom question to add to the evaluation.

    Note: To create a question, click Add New Question, select Text (if you want students to write the answer) or Rank (if you want students to answer using a Strongly Disagree - Strongly Agree scale), enter the question text, and click Save.
  10. If you'd like to view the evaluation before sending it, then, on the Ballots tab, click Send Me a Ballot.

    IMPORTANT! If you want to add questions to the evaluation after you've viewed the ballot, then you'll need to click Clear My Ballot first.
  11. If you want to send the email to students at a specific time, then specify the date on which you want the emails sent and select Enable Schedule.

    Enable Schedule

    If you want to send the email to students immediately, then click Toggle Selections to select all of the students and then click Send Selected Students E-Mail.
  12. Close the program.

View How Many Students Have Completed the Evaluation

After emails have been sent to students, open the MC Survey Management program and look on the Manage tab. It should list the total number of students in the course, the number of evaluations completed, and the number of incomplete evaluations.

Resend the Email to Students Who Have Not Completed the Evaluation

At any time, you can resend the email to students who have not completed the evaluation. To do so, on the Ballots tab, click Select All and then click Send Selected Students E-Mail. (The system will only send emails to those students who have not completed the survey.)

View Evaluation Results

You can view evaluation results on the day after the deadline for turning in final grades.

To view the evaluation results:

  1. On the Help tab, click View the survey results.

    View the survey results Link
  2. Select the desired Access type, Session, and Survey.


  • How can I verify that ballots were sent?

    If you scheduled ballots to be sent automatically by the system, then look on the Ballots tab. It should display the date that ballots were sent.

    If you sent the ballots manually (by selecting the students and clicking Send Selected Students E-Mail), then you can ask one of your students or check the Completed number on the Manage tab.
  • How can I tell how many students have completed the evaluation?

    Look on the Manage tab. It should list the total number of students in the course, the number of evaluations completed, and the number of incomplete evaluations.
  • How can a student tell if his/her evaluation went through?

    If the student tries to access the survey again, a message will display that says, "Thank you," and the student will not be able to make any changes.
  • I want to add a question to the evaluation. What do Text and Rank mean?

    Select Text when you want students to write in their answers. Select Rank for the "Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree" scale. It's possible to select both.
  • Can I find out who completed the evaluation?

    No. You may only view how many students completed the evaluation.
  • How can I view the default evaluation questions?

    On the Ballots tab, click Send me a Ballot. You'll then receive an email with a link to the evaluation.
  • When I try to add a question to the evaluation, I receive an error message that says I can't make any changes.

    Click Clear My Ballot on the Ballots tab and then try adding the question again.
  • When you specify a send date for the ballots, at what time are they sent?

    The system sends the ballots early in the morning on the date you specified.